Tuesday 24 June 2008

Gwyneth Paltrow - Paltrow Martin Is A Perfectionist

Hollywood actress GWYNETH PALTROW has lavished praise on her husband CHRIS MARTIN for working so hard on his band COLDPLAY's new album - after he deemed their last effort "s**t".

The Sliding Doors star has supported Martin while he has been writing and recording the group's fourth album Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends, which is released later this year (08).

Paltrow insists her husband had a low opinion of the band's last LP, 2005's X+Y, and that spurred him on to make his new album much better.

And she is convinced she has never seen anyone put that much effort into a project.

She says, "I've been around a lot of very talented people and a lot of people who really work hard and I've never seen anything like it. Nowhere near. I've never seen anyone put every atom and molecule of themselves into something.

"To some people, you would say, 'Wow that was a great film,' or 'That was a great book - how are you going to raise the bar?'

"But if you regard your last work as s**t, where do you go from there?"

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